A few interesting events and articles:
- NHHFA 2020 Homeownership Conference: I always find value in these conferences sponsored by the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority because they discuss issues of funding and building housing of all kinds and price levels. March 3 in Manchester, NH, $35 registration. For more information: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=a5gogocab&oeidk=a07egvnsmhu2c362cbb
CohoUS Simple Series Kickoff: This online workshop covers what cohousing is, and how it works. It’s for people who have heard about cohousing, but don’t yet understand the basics. $20 registration for the entire four-hour session. https://www.cohousing.org/2020-kickoff/
Everything you wanted to know about your property tax… InDepthNH magazine offers a discussion of property tax, and some of the legislative actions in 2020 that may affect your tax bill. The first topic covered is Current Use and how that policy shifts tax burden away from large landowners to other property owners in the community. Read the full article at: http://indepthnh.org/2020/01/26/everything-you-want-to-know-about-your-property-tax-but-were-afraid-to-ask/
New Hampshire House hears Workforce Housing Bills: NH Business Review writes about two bills before the NH House regarding housing. HB 1629 will require training for planning and zoning boards, and also makes changes to workforce and affordable housing law. HB 1632 offers tax breaks for developers and homebuyers of workforce housing. https://www.nhbr.com/new-hampshire-house-panel-hears-governors-workforce-housing-bills/
Feel free to share this post on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or email. Any opinions expressed here are solely my own, and not those of any public body, such as the Lyme Planning Board, Budget Committee, or Trustees of the Trust Funds where I volunteer. I would be very interested to hear your thoughts – you can reach me at richb.lyme@gmail.com.